EstateX Co-Founder Featured in Exclusive Podcast!

May 19, 2024

Hello EstateX family,

We hope you all had a splendid weekend! You will be pleased to hearhe EstateX brand is getting more and more known within the #RWA Real Estate and #Web3 industry and today we’re adding to that once more!

Our co-founder, Bart de Bruijn, was invited to the Everyday MBA podcast from Kevin Craine, where he interviews best selling authors, entrepreneurs and thought leaders on a weekly basis.

Everyday MBA has an average 14-20k listeners per show with most listeners being based in the United States, United Kingdom & Canada. It has been named a Top Ten Podcast for Business by Inc. Magazine.

Kevin & Bart spoke about #EstateX, the investing process, benefits of fractional ownerships, differences between EstateX & a fund and much more!

The episode can be found here on Spotify. Make sure to like and let us know your thoughts! 👇👇👇

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